
Losing your job

Losing your job is stressful. For many people unemployment isn’t just about loss of income. It can mean a loss of purpose, identity, routine and social connections. It is important to do things to help yourself stay well.

Here are four ways you can look after yourself while seeking new employment:

Keeping a daily routine
  • Many of us struggle without the structure of work. Setting yourself a regular routine can help you be productive and maintain a healthy rhythm throughout the week
  • You can break up your day into morning, afternoon and evening segments
  • Keep regular sleeping and waking times, mealtimes, and regular times for exercise and hobbies
  • Make time each day for job searching

Keep doing the things you enjoy
  • Doing things that you enjoy and which are rewarding and meaningful will give you a sense of purpose in your day, and a reason to get out of bed
  • In addition to keeping up with your hobbies, you can do new things like volunteer work, learning a new skill, joining a local club or participating in community events
  • All of these things will help you to stay active, engaged and connected with others

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Focus on the things you can control
  • It can be easy to get caught up in your worries
  • Even though these worries may be very real, spending too much time worrying can lead to feelings of stress, hopelessness and helplessness
  • Focus your energy on what you can do to address the situation
  • You may not be able to control when you secure a new job, but you can do things such as updating your resume, write a cover letter, learn new skills, research and apply for jobs, send emails to potential employers, and find services that can help

Manage your self-talk
  • What we say to ourselves affects how we feel
  • Be mindful not to say things (self-talk) that are unhelpful or self-defeating, such as blaming yourself for things outside of your control (eg. for losing your job or not having secured new employment yet) and dwelling on the worst-case scenario
  • Being patient with yourself and keeping a realistic perspective can help you stay focused and motivated

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